FSI students


Stanford University's premier research institute for the study of international affairs


FSI experts offer ongoing analysis and commentary on the pandemic and the fight for racial justice.

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U.S. Capitol Building


JOIN US ON 8/7: Senior Fellows Amy Zegart and Thomas Fingar will describe how the process of providing intelligence to policy makers is supposed to work and who decides what intelligence is given to which senior officials.
Michael McFaul testimony

Michael McFaul Testifies on Russian Threat to the U.S. Before House Committee on Foreign Affairs

McFaul's testimony for a House Foreign Affairs Subcommittee addressed U.S. intelligence that accused Russia of paying bounties to Taliban fighters to kill American soldiers in Afghanistan.

#WorldClassPodcast: China Faces Tough Decisions and Stronger Headwinds

China has had great success, but the era of miracle growth is over. Citizen needs and expectations are rising, and deferred reforms are riskier and more necessary, explain Jean Oi and Thomas Fingar on the World Class Podcast.




COVID-19 and Implications for Cyber Policy




Icon showing an open book with a magnifying glass.


FSI is a hub for Stanford scholars who want to work across disciplines on research that has international impact. Our topics include governance, security, global health, energy and international development.

Icon of a mortarboard.


Our faculty teach more than 65 classes a year, and mentor students through guided research. FSI is also home to the Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy, a two-year master's degree.

Icon showing a human figure connected to a network tree.


Our work provides context for decision-making in Washington, Geneva, Beijing and beyond. FSI's International Policy Lab helps ensure that our faculty's research has real-world impact.

Join our mailing list

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Featured Scholars

FSI is home to approximately 150 researchers, including 49 appointed faculty. Our scholars include world-renowned political theorists, physicians, former ambassadors and Cabinet members, nuclear physicists, economists and generals.

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FSI Senior Fellow

Marshall Burke

FSI Senior Fellow
Deputy Director, FSE
Combining satellite imagery and machine learning to predict poverty

Anna Grzymala-Busse

FSI Senior Fellow

Anna Grzymala-Busse

FSI Senior Fellow
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Global Populisms and Their Challenges

Colin Kahl

FSI Senior Fellow


FSI Senior Fellow
Co-director, CISAC
Political Risk

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FSI Senior Fellow
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FSI Senior Fellow
Director, FSE
Differences, or lack thereof, in wheat and maize yields under three low-warming scenarios

    Research at FSI
  • Research at FSI
  • Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law
  • Center on Food Security and the Environment
  • Center for International Security and Cooperation
  • Cyber Policy Center
  • The Europe Center
  • Stanford Health Policy
  • Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center
  • Stanford Center at Peking University
  • Program on Energy & Sustainable Development
  • Rural Education Action Program
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Research at FSI

Our interdisciplinary research centers and programs serve as the foundation for all the scholarly work that FSI produces. They enable faculty from a broad variety of backgrounds to take "deep dives" into complex challenges, producing the rigorous research that FSI is known for. 

Our Research Topics:

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Center on Democracy, Development and the Rule of Law

The Center on Democracy, Development, and the Rule of Law bridges the worlds of scholarship, policy and practice to understand and advance the conditions for just, democratic, and sustainable development around the world.

Visit CDDRL Homepage
vs cddrl t1 diamong
research American Democracy in Comparative Perspective
research Program on Poverty and Governance

Center on Food Security and the Environment

The Center on Food Security and the Environment addresses critical global issues of hunger, poverty and environmental degradation.

Visit FSE Homepage
vs fse1 sat
research Combining satellite imagery and machine learning to predict poverty
vs fse2 oil palm plantation in cigudeg indonesia attribution achmad rabin taim gallery
免费节点每天更新v2ray Poverty alleviation through sustainable palm oil production

Center for International Security and Cooperation

The Center for International Security and Cooperation (CISAC) is Stanford University’s hub for researchers tackling some of the world's most pressing security and international cooperation issues.

Visit CISAC Homepage
research Cyber Policy and Security
research Nuclear Risk and Cooperation

Cyber Policy Center

The Cyber Policy Center at the Freeman Spogli Institute for International Studies is Stanford University's premier center for the interdisciplinary study of issues at the nexus of technology, governance and public policy.

Potemkin Papers
永久免费ss节点二维码 A Spotlight on Pseudo-Think Tanks and Personas from the Stanford Internet Observatory
publication Securing American Elections White Paper


The Europe Center at Stanford University provides an interdisciplinary platform for scholarship on the histories, cultures, institutions, and people of Europe.

Visit TEC homepage
vs ec t1 globe eastern europe
research European Security Initiative
vs ec t2 14migrants2 web master675
research Immigration and Integration Project


Stanford Health Policy studies critical global health problems with the goal of understanding how policies, programs and interventions can improve health.

Visit SHP Homepage
Stock photo - aging
research Center on the Demography and Economics of Health and Aging
research Center for Policy, Outcomes and Prevention

Walter H. Shorenstein Asia-Pacific Research Center

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Visit APARC Homepage
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Stanford Center at Peking University

SCPKU is Stanford's 分享一波自用的SSR节点,国区用户福利,多去外面的时间看看 ...:2021-8-22 · 分享一波自用的SSR节点,国区用户福利,多去外面的时间看看吧! 作者: 兵少丶 发布于「 技术教程 」 - 花都逸者 2021-8-22 分类: 技术教程 阅读(573) 评论(1)

Visit SCPKU Homepage
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feature Stanford's bridge across the Pacific
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PESD is an international, interdisciplinary program that draws on the fields of economics, political science, law, and management to investigate how real energy markets work.

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climate change
feature Climate Change Policy

Rural Education Action Program

REAP is dedicated to discovering the causes of poverty in rural China, and creating simple, yet effective solutions in education, health and nutrition policy.

Visit REAP Homepage
ss节点分享 Seeing is Learning
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feature Nutrition, Health and Education

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FSI's research units include programs with an instructional component. The Stanford Program on Cross-cultural and Internation Education (SPICE) develops K-12 curricula based on our research; the Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies is the only program in the world that focuses exclusively on advanced Japanese language training.

Stanford Program on International & Cross-Cultural Education Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies


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  • Events


Norman Naimark Awarded the 2023 Norris and Carol Hundley Award

July 31, 2023

Two Faces of Russian Information Operations: Coronavirus Coverage in Spanish

July 30, 2023

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July 30, 2023

Where is Russia Heading in 2023?

July 30, 2023

The Future to Be Inherited

July 28, 2023


Fri Aug 7
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM


Fri Aug 14
10:00 AM - 11:00 AM

Ford Dorsey Master's in International Policy Program Admissions Webinar

Tue Sep 29
免费ss节点分享 - 11:00 AM

The Rise of Digital Authoritarianism: China, AI and Human Rights

Tue Oct 20
5:00 PM - 6:30 PM

Save the Date- 2023 Shorenstein Journalism Award Featuring Tom Wright

Virtually via Zoom.Registration Link Forthcoming.